Good For OttoWorld-Premiere by David Rabe
at The Gift Theatre directed by Michael Patrick Thornton Caroline played Frannie in the World Premiere of Tony Award winning legendary playwright David Rabe’s new work. Frannie is a mentally ill 12 year old foster child who has navigated the troubled road between her birth mother and foster homes to finally arrive in the offices of psychologist, Dr. Michaels, who attempts to help her deal with her many storms. NY TIMES REVIEWED "The troubles of Frannie, played by the wonderful young actor Caroline Heffernan, are a primary focus." SEE FULL REVIEW HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: CHICAGO SUN TIMES "Caroline Heffernan, whose performance is an unmitigated star turn by a young actress of staggering sophistication and skill" FULL REVIEW 4 STARS FROM CHICAGO TRUBUNE "GOOD FOR OTTO, the remarkable... as heartfelt and even-handed a theatrical look at the issues surrounding mental illness in America as you ever are likely to see.” SEE FULL REVIEW |